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Text File | 1994-09-22 | 11.3 KB | 263 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- Indeo(TM) Video R3.2 V3.22/QuickTime Update --
- September 22, 1994
- This software update is being made available to provide users the latest
- Indeo(TM) Video Codec for compressing, editing and playing back video on
- your desktop computer, using Apple's QuickTime software.
- If you get this file from a non Macintosh computer, the file will
- be encoded as a MacBinary file called I322QT.BIN. After converting from
- MacBinary, the file will be named "Indeo(TM) Video R3.2 V3.22." See MacBinary
- conversion notes at the end of this document.
- To install, double click on the "Indeo(TM) Video R3.2 V3.22" icon and
- follow the instructions. After installation, the following files will be
- installed in the following locations:
- * Indeo(TM) Video, installed in the "System:Extensions" folder
- A system extension that compresses/decompresses video files in
- Indeo Video R3.2 format.
- * Intel Raw Video, installed in the "System:Extensions" folder
- A system extension that compresses/decompresses video files in
- Intel Raw format. This format is used by our Intel Smart Video
- Recorder capture/compression board product.
- * Indeo(TM) Video Read Me, installed in a folder named "Indeo(TM) Video
- R3.2 V3.22"
- This text file.
- * MakeItMooV, installed in a folder named "Indeo(TM) Video R3.2 V3.22"
- An application to help in the importing of MooV files created under
- QuickTime for Windows.
- * Indeo(TM) Video CLUT, installed in a folder named "Indeo(TM) Video R3.2 V3.22"
- A ResEdit document containing the Indeo Video 8-bit Color Look Up Table (palette).
- Software Requirements
- ---------------------
- * QuickTime (1.6.1 or 2.0) installed.
- * 68020 or better based Macintosh
- * 2 MB of RAM
- * System 6.0.7 or later installed
- Optimum System Requirements:
- ---------------------------
- * 68040 Based Macintosh
- * 16 MB RAM
- Related Software
- ----------------
- MakeItMooV -- V1.2
- This application changes the type and creator of a file to "MooV" and
- "TVOD" respectively. The former allows the file to be recognized as
- a movie file by all QuickTime applications; the latter causes the
- MoviePlayer to be the default application for opening the file.
- This utility is useful when importing movies from non-Macintosh
- environments (QuickTime for Windows), in which they are not assigned
- appropriate Macintosh file types or creators.
- Double-click on the MakeItMooV icon for further information and usage
- instructions.
- Indeo(TM) Video CLUT
- Use this document with the QuickTime 2.0 SetMovieColorTable utility to attach the
- Indeo Video palette to a MooV file.
- Intel Raw Video codec -- V1.10.20.02
- ----------------------------------
- These notes describe the Intel Raw Video codec, a compressor/decompressor
- for YVU9 format video in Apple's QuickTime 1.6.1 and 2.0 video environments.
- * YVU9 is the format in which video is captured by the Intel Smart Video
- Recorder. In YVU space, a pixel is represented by one luminance (Y) value
- and two chrominance (U and V) values. In YVU9 format, the chrominance
- values are sub sampled: a single UV pair is used to represent the
- chrominance of an entire 4x4 block of pixels. Since Y, U, and V components
- are each stored as 8-bit numbers, the color sub sampling results in an
- average 9 bits per pixel. Because the human eye is more sensitive to
- luminance than to chrominance, the perceived loss of information due
- to sub sampling is minimal.
- * By providing the capability to read near-lossless captured movie files with
- the Intel Smart Video Recorder (that operates under Windows), the Intel Raw
- Video Codec provides a path to compress this higher quality source using
- Indeo Video codec, which performs spatial and temporal compression
- resulting in much smaller files.
- * This codec will appear in compressor selection menus as "Intel Raw".
- ----------------------------
- There are no functional differences from the previous version of this codec.
- The codec has been rebuilt with the an updated release of the compiler and with
- the most current QuickTime (2.0) header files.
- Known Operating Characteristics
- -----------------------------
- * The compressor now assigns 24-bit format to the output stream instead
- of 32-bit (for portability to the Video for Windows environment).
- * The compressor now appends a version string to the end of the binary data
- for each frame. To find the version of the compressor used to produce a
- video, search (e.g., with the MPW Shell's 'Search' command) the movie file
- for a string beginning with the characters "Ver ".
- * The performance of 16- and 24-bit decompression has been improved.
- * Internal change: spooling functions are now handled correctly (although
- data spooling itself is not supported.
- * Internal change: the codecGetCompressedImageSize codec function has been
- implemented.
- Indeo(TM) Video R3.2 codec -- V3.22.21.04
- --------------------------------------
- Major Differences From V3.22.21.02
- ----------------------------------
- The decompressor has been optimized, resulting in higher frame rates.
- Major Differences From V3.22.21.01
- --------------------------------
- * Both 'iv32' and 'IV32' are recognized as Indeo R3.2 movie formats.
- This is for compatibility with some Video for Windows to QuickTime
- translators that produce lower case format signatures.
- * Memory allocation for large decompressor tables is handled more
- intelligently.
- * Playback has been sped up for various depths of gray-level output.
- Major Differences From V3.20.21.03
- ----------------------------------
- * The compressor algorithm has been updated from R3.20 to R3.22.
- The new algorithm produces higher quality video with more accurate
- data rate control. In addition, the maximum size movie that can
- be compressed has been increased from 320x240 to 640x480.
- * Decompressor bug fix: movies whose width was greater than 320 but less
- than 640 could not be decompressed correctly.
- Known Operating Characteristics
- ------------------------------
- * Decompressor
- The decompressor is capable of taking advantage of the asynchronous
- decompression features of QuickTime 2.0.
- In addition to any overhead imposed by application software, the
- decompressor requires approximately 100K of system memory (about 128K
- more for 16-bit color, about 256K more for 24-bit color). Approximately
- 200K of application memory are needed for each open 320x240 movie.
- Although error handling is application-dependent, generally
- any movies for which there is not adequate application memory will
- display as blank (all-white) frames until sufficient memory is
- available. You can make memory available by closing applications,
- closing windows, or closing some of the other movies currently open
- under the same application. Note that leaving a blank movie open
- may cause the display rate of other movies to be impaired.
- You can increase the number of movies that can be open simultaneously
- by increasing the amount of memory available to the application:
- before launching the application in question, select its icon, then use
- the Finder's "Get Info" command. NOTE: Problems may occur if application
- partitions are increased to the point that 200K-300K of memory is not
- available for growth of the system heap.
- * Compressor
- We suggest you set the key frame interval to 4 when compressing movies.
- Videos compressed with this codec cannot be decompressed by R3.1
- codecs.
- If your application supports data rate constraint by passing a target
- data rate to the codec, the codec will automatically vary the quality
- of the compressed image to achieve the specified data rate. In this case,
- any user-specified quality information will be ignored. For example, in
- the ConvertToMovie application, checking the "Limit data rate to..." box
- will cause the spatial quality slider to be ignored; if the box is left
- unchecked, the spatial quality slider value will be used to determine image
- quality.
- NOTE: MovieShop (an application based on an older codec interface
- paradigm) does not pass data rate parameters to the codec.
- * This codec will appear in compressor selection menus as:
- "Intel Indeo(tm) Video R3.2."
- BE COMPRESSED TO MULTIPLES OF 4. The Macintosh version of the Indeo codec
- will allow you to compress movies of arbitrary dimensions. However, if the
- dimensions are not multiples of 4 the playback rate will be affected; furthermore,
- there is no guarantee that such movies will be portable to other environments
- (e.g., QuickTime for Windows or Video for Windows).
- * There should be ONE AND ONLY ONE Indeo Video codec in the Extensions folder:
- do not leave older versions there.
- Support
- -------
- Please communicate questions and suggestions to Intel Technical Support
- INDEO.SUP on AppleLink
- Within USA: call (800) 628-8686 [press 1-3-1]
- Outside USA: call (916) 356-3551 [press 1-3-1]
- Fax: (503) 696-6067
- Ask for Indeo video support when connected.
- Please be prepared to provide detailed information about your hardware
- and software configuration when reporting a problem.
- Before reporting a problem, check the version notes section earlier in
- this document to make sure that it isn't already listed.
- Updates are available:
- ---------------------
- As new Indeo video drivers are released, they will be available on:
- * CompuServe Intel Arch. Labs forum library 9 (GO INTELA)
- * Intel's Application Support BBS, (916) 356-3600
- * Internet FTP, ftp.intel.com in the '/pub/IAL/Indeo_video' directory
- * AppleLink in Intel's folder in: Third Parties,3rd Party Demos/Updates,
- Software Updates,Companies E-J,Intel Corp.
- MacBinary Conversion Notes:
- -------------------------
- When this software is distributed on non-Macintosh computers, it must be
- first converted into a format that allows Macintosh two fork files to be
- read and written as a single fork file. There is a standard for this type of
- conversion, MacBinary. The encoding conversion, which takes place on a Mac,
- combines the two file forks into one with header information prepended for
- later decoding. Files that have been encoded into MacBinary usually have the
- '.bin' file extension. After encoding, these files can be transported through
- DOS or Unix computers. When they arrive back on a Macintosh computer, they
- need to be decoded back into normal two fork Macintosh files. This decoding
- can be done by several commercial and shareware applications. The StuffIt
- Deluxe and StuffIt Lite versions 3.0.6 (or later) programs can decode
- MacBinary files. Use the Translate menu, not File Open, to perform this
- decoding. Two other shareware applications that do this decoding are
- available on Compuserve and Internet FTP archives:
- * MacBinary
- * Compuserve: Utility to restore MacBinary files
- DTPFORUM forum, Mac DTP Utilities Library: MACBIN.SEA
- * Internet FTP: sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/info-mac/cmp/mac-binary-101.sit
- * MacBinary II+ 1.0.2
- * Compuserve: MacBinary II+ 1.0.2
- MACCOMM Forum, Comm Progs/Utils Library: MACBIN.SIT
- * Internet FTP: sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/info-mac/cmp/mac-binary-ii-plus-101.sit
- * StuffIt Lite
- * Compuserve: MACSYS Forum, Help Files Library: SITLIT.INS
- * Internet FTP: ftp.netcom.com:pub/leonardr/Aladdin/StuffIt_Lite_3.0.7.hqx